The sway you experience while using a weapon's scope is exactly the same as your hand sway. The higher the PSp the more your hand will sway around, causing your shots to go off target. Now what the PSp does is influence your character's hand sway. I'm not sure if it's possible to enable that in FNV, haven't really looked into that. It didn't do anything in FO3 either, unless you re-enabled spread penalties based on weapon conditions. Many people probably have also noticed the "Spread" value in weapon tabs.

These used to alter PSp before an official patch corrected it.

Now the total spread consists of two major factors, the player's spread (from here on referred to as PSp) and the weapon's spread (referred to as WSp). These settings all affect the player's spread.

Template:SettingGroupHeader Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupSetting Template:SettingGroupFooter Instead we are presented with the following new settings in FNV: And just to point out here again, FNV is full of data and settings that are legacies from Oblivion and FO3, so just because something exists in the data files, doesn't mean it's actually used anywhere. Now forget all about it, because none of the settings or formulas are used in Fallout New Vegas. A lot of you probably know the Gun Spread Formula from the (original) GECK wiki.