
Warcraft 3 mountain king
Warcraft 3 mountain king

Together with an ally the Holy Light healing spell is extremey powerful. Combined with defense upgrades of all players, this will increase the sustainability of the army fast. Warcraft 3 fights are about amror and the Paladin gives up to 4.5 armor to all units with his Devotion Aura, this is so sick. For hero nukes use the bolt, for teamfights the clap is perfect with a duration of 3 seconds and a reduced attack and mvoement speed by 50%. If the Mountain King has mana, he will simply do one Storm Bolt and Thunder Clap after another. The MK is just taking out units with his spells.

warcraft 3 mountain king

The tc is a great tank as well and if you face a level 5 TC in a team game, you start getting serious problems. This alone is a winning factor, but on top of that comes his insane AOE stun with up to 4 seconds. In teamgames the TC is just sick, his Endurance Aura with up to 30% movement speed and 15% attack speed is speeding up every team so much. When the Blademaster levels up he has an insane dps in a fight. If boosted by boots, a circlet and gloves, this hero escalates quickly and it is hard to stop him. Out of the box the BM is the most powerful hero ever, he just slices every other hero or unit into pieces. His mana aura is giving so much mana to himself, other heroes and units that it dramatically boosts the magic power of a player. The summons scale up fast and if not dispelled do tons of damage. This hero alone boosts up every army setup.ĪM is just strong, he can creep like a mad man with his waterelementals but he has also great pushing potential. The coil is also perfect to steal creeps, kill the enemy and heal units. The Deathknight scales up with his army heavily: His Unholy Aura is game-changing with giving 30% movement speed and 1.5 HP Reg per second to all allied units.

warcraft 3 mountain king

Kotg allows to creep up fast and push in the mid game. The treants are perfect to creep and push.

warcraft 3 mountain king

Kotg has the power to level up extremely fast, while beeing still dangerous with his entangle.

Warcraft 3 mountain king